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Nice looking game (and page also) with good premise, but some of the game mechanics need some reconsideration imo. The contrast between real-time movement of the muncher and turn-based movement of other elements, the randomness of muncher movement's length, the narrow pathways with monsters that you can't evade sometimes, lack of explanation on some of the gameplay elements, etc. make the game frustrating.

I think "Redungeon", a game made by nitrome with the same concept is a great example on how to improve the game.


Bought it on Android, and don't regret it because I love the artstyle and supporting developers, but it's quite unforgiving


best itch page of all time, no joke. top 0.001%

Thanks! Much appreciated!


holy shit this page looks amazing

'Happy you like it!


The design is good, the page is good




This page design rocks. Much respect to you! 


Thank you so much!


Hey there! Any chance of buying the love file? I would like to play it on linux


It's not made with Love2D if that's what you are referring to. And source is not for sale.

Thanks for the answer. My bad! I was almost sure, that i saw your game launch announcement on love2d forum. And no, i don't want the source code of your game, i just want to play it on a mobile platform like Pocket CHIP



NOW THIS IS A ITCHIO PAGE DUDE! I will buy the game only for that!


Finally! The efforts put into the page design are paying off! :D Thanks!


Your welcome!


Agreed! Incredible work on this page. So good!!


Thanks for adding a TATE mode button! Looks and plays awesome on my linux handheld.


That's cool to hear! Cheers!


Thank n_nexy. Swipe controls on android version work well. 


Awesome! 'Happy you are enjoying it!


I haven't played the game yet, but I want to compliment you on how perfect this itch page is. The muncher as a static element that follows you down the page is magnificent.


Hey thanks! So happy when someone takes notice!


Okay, first of all, this is a great game! I really enjoy it but it has to get some changes in android version. Right now android version is kinda bullshitty because of controlls. If you could make the arrows space bigger, that would really help and make game a lot more enjoyable, you could also add swipe controlls for those who need it, I personally think bigger arrows would do the job but swile controlls would be cool.

Thanks a lot!


Hey there, as of the latest update on PlayStore, the swipe controls have been added (you can turn them on in the options menu). Honestly, not sure how feasible is to play such as fast-paced game with swiping but the option is there. Cheers!


Thanks man!


Quite fun and well worth the few dollars :). My husband and I have played this for at least 8 hours and still haven't gotten past the desert!


The game is by no-means easy, so reaching the desert is quite a feat! 'Happy you are enjoying it!


A demo for this would be amazing.


i wish i chould play this free

This looks amazing! I am wondering though, why is there no sale?

There was, but it ended a few days ago :)

Cool game. Picked up from playstore on sale. Though its fun i cannot make very far due to touch control. Too close together. I think swipe controls would work well.

Swipe controls have been added in the latest update. 'Hope that helps!


what a sick page, nice job. Didn't even buy the game yet but I had to praise this high quality page

Hey thank you so much! 'Hope you get the chance to try it out!